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Good Company

They’re here!  Tim and Julie arrived Tuesday afternoon at about 4:00.  They arrived as everyone does after that trans-Atlantic flight – tired, hungry, dazed and feeling grungy.  Yet looking miraculously glorious.  Not only did they have to endure the flight, they also took the train from Milan to Florence,...

White Roads and Weddings

Italy has many, many dirt roads that are called strade bianche, or white roads.  The earth here is so full of minerals and volcanic rocks that the dirt roads are white.  Not like our red dirt roads in Georgia.  If you walk out of the city in any direction,...

Impossible Causes

I hate to start the countdown, but we only have ten days left in Italy.  I think of all those lazy days we spent lounging on the terrace or cozy in the living room and I wonder why we weren’t moving every second.  That’s the panic in me talking...

How Many Perfect Days are We Allowed?

I certainly hope there’s not a limit on how much happiness and beauty two people can experience.  If there is, then I’m afraid we’ve probably maxed out.  But who would limit happiness?  Who would ration perfect days?  I want to save all these perfect experiences and keep them in...

The Perfect Day

There are so many perfect days here, I hate to declare any one more perfect than another.  However, this one was in the top five.  First of all, the weather was divine.  Beautiful, blue skies that seemed to never end, about 68 degrees, very low humidity – you know...


The day before my birthday, Saturday, we went with Michelangelo and Rossella to the antique market in Arezzo.  This market is held the first Sunday of the month and the preceding Saturday.  Odd way of saying it, but it’s not the first weekend of the month.  Think about it. ...


Seasons Autumn has arrived in our corner of Tuscany.  It came very suddenly after a violent thunderstorm.  It’s as if Mother Nature took out her scrub brush and washed summer away.  There’s a freshness to everything and a bit of anticipation in the air.  So we’re moving to heavier...

A Dog Attack, a Bicycle Race, and a Threshold Crossed

Today is my 60th birthday.  60. Years. Old.  I’m a little stunned by it.  I’m not depressed about it because I don’t feel any different, but I’ve just crossed a threshold that in my mind is significant.  Every so often I’ll just have this flash in my brain –...

A Day with Friends

Our perfect weather streak came to an end today.  This morning was cloudy and foggy, then light rain in the late morning/early afternoon.  Then it got chilly.  The rain was followed by a little cold front that I hope doesn’t last long.  The cool temps are nice, but I...

Peace is Good

Tuesday was another gorgeous day in the Valtiberino.  We started the day with a long walk through the country, some chores, then a nice lunch on the terrace.  At Rosanno’s birthday party, some of the people there were telling us about some monasteries around here that were nice to...