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Tag: #foodblog

Sunday in Florence

One of the absolute best things about living where we do is that we are less than two hours from Florence, one of the greatest cities in the world.  To finish up my birthday week, we decided to spend the day in Florence just because we could.  We had...

A Birthday on Two Continents

Birthdays roll around every year to remind us that as much as we don’t like to think so, we are getting older by the minute.  They provide us with the framework we need to mark time.  I can watch other people age, but I live my life not through...


We’re meeting Tim and Julie in Orvieto, then on to Rome.  So we’ll be gone for four days.  We’re letting our food supply diminish so we don’t have to throw anything out, so that means it’s slim pickings for meals these days.  After a carved together lunch yesterday, we...

Gluttony and Other Virtues

Santuario della Verna I really don’t know what my fascination with St. Francis is.  I was raised Southern Baptist and we didn’t do saints and such.  But for some reason, St. Francis strikes a chord with me.  Maybe it’s because he was all over this part of Italy.  Maybe...

We’ve Been Busy – In a Good Way

When we decided to take this fantastic journey, one of the things we were looking forward to was sharing it with friends and family.  So we took on the apartment upstairs to use for visitors.  After seven weeks of preparing, organizing, and planning, we hosted our first guests.  Tim...

Day Trippin’

We’ve been a little housebound for the past few weeks due to various issues and situations.  We had expected to take many day trips while we’re here and we’ve really been itching to get out.  We finally got out recently and took two trips.  One to Deruta and one...

There’s Red Sauce in My Future

I’m on a mission to use every one of the tomatoes Piero the gardener gave me.  I refuse to let even one of them go to waste.  I’ve done all the usual things, like caprese salads and panini, and now am ready to take on some major things.  Our...

The Upsides of Pandemic Dining

Most of you know that Italy got hit pretty hard early in the pandemic.  I think because of that, they are very cautious about how they proceed.  Almost everyone wears a mask and you can’t go into stores, offices, or restaurants without one.  They still limit the number of...

Buon Compleanno!

Saturday was our dear friend, Anna’s, birthday.  To celebrate, she invited her family and us to dinner.  We felt very honored to be included in this group, even though out of the 10 people there, only four spoke any English (and two of them were us!).  It was a...

The Fresh Produce Connection

We have a gardener.  I know that sounds very extravagant and maybe even a little pretentious.  He kind of came with the house.  Our landlord owns a couple of properties and is 85 years old.  He’s spry and agile, but needs help with things.  The other day they were...