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Tag: #expatsintitaly

The Clutch is My Friend

Our first day in Anghiari was July 28.  That means that today is my four month anniversary of living here.  For three-and-a-half of those months I did not get behind the wheel of a car.  Steve has chauffeured me around like I’m some kind of royal in our 15-year-old...


We’re meeting Tim and Julie in Orvieto, then on to Rome.  So we’ll be gone for four days.  We’re letting our food supply diminish so we don’t have to throw anything out, so that means it’s slim pickings for meals these days.  After a carved together lunch yesterday, we...

The Fresh Produce Connection

We have a gardener.  I know that sounds very extravagant and maybe even a little pretentious.  He kind of came with the house.  Our landlord owns a couple of properties and is 85 years old.  He’s spry and agile, but needs help with things.  The other day they were...

Shiny Stamps at the Post Office and Other Italian Peculiarities

We have certain milestones to cross before we can really start relaxing.  Mind you, we’ve done our share of relaxing already, but these chores are always in the back of our minds.  Specifically, we have to get the utilities set up for the upstairs apartment, get our permesso di...