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Peace on Earth

Christmas is always a special time – you feel a sense of renewal, of peace, and of hope.  This year has been especially meaningful for me.  So many things have changed for me this year, not the least of which is that I don’t go to work every day...

It Came to Pass in Arezzo

Arezzo is about 30 minutes away and is the biggest city near us.  It’s about 100,000 people and we go there for many things.  It’s where we both got our booster shots, we spent many happy times in the Questura (police headquarters) there trying to get our permesso di...

And To All a Good Night

We’re trying to experience as much of the Christmas spirit as we can in our corner of Italy.  We planned to spend a day in Florence and the morning we were to leave, I did a quick search for hotels just see what was available.  We found a very...

The Ice Road to Boosterville

Steve had his booster shot yesterday compliments of the Italian health care system.  His appointment was at 10:30 in Arezzo, which is about 30 minutes away.  There’s a good road to Arezzo which goes through a ravine in the mountains so it’s not hilly.  But because it goes through...

The Homecoming and an Italian Christmas Miracle

Steve went to Atlanta for 10 long days and came back home on Monday.  He flew into Rome and took the train to Arezzo where I skillfully drove to pick him up.  Millie and I were waiting in the car when I saw his beautiful silver hair appear from...

All Roads Lead to Rome and Home Again

We traveled to Rome last week to spend the night before Steve’s flight to the US.  One of the things we love about where we live is that we’re about two hours from Rome by train. Rome is one of the great cities of the world.  The Roman Empire...

The Clutch is My Friend

Our first day in Anghiari was July 28.  That means that today is my four month anniversary of living here.  For three-and-a-half of those months I did not get behind the wheel of a car.  Steve has chauffeured me around like I’m some kind of royal in our 15-year-old...

Thanksgiving in My Heart

Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday.  And as with all uniquely American holidays, it’s not without its controversies.  Regardless, it’s a day where we pause to gather around a table with friends and family while giving thanks for the blessings that we have received.  It’s also a day that...

The Baths Up the Road

We visited Bagno di Romagna recently, a small village near here known for its thermal springs.  Bagno di Romagna is a Roman town and became an important stop on the route between Rome and Ravenna.  The thermal springs are a cozy 116 degrees year round.  I can imagine that...

A Food Review

We’ve had many great meals that I would like to share with you.  Some of them have even been at home.  We’ve been cooking a lot as we start our winter hibernation.  Hope you enjoy! Dinner at Michelangelo and Rossella’s This is always a treat, but this time was...