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Category: Uncategorized

We Pause in Rome

We’re on our way from Anghiari to Atlanta.  Our pit stop is Rome.  We fly out Thursday late morning and didn’t want to be rushed, so we drove from Anghiari to Rome on Tuesday so that we had one full day regroup and enjoy Rome.  By now, all the...

We Leave Anghiari

Today we leave Anghiari.  We’ve rented a car to take us, Millie, and seven suitcases to Rome, where in two days we’ll leave Italy.  Leaving Anghiari is hard.  It’s harder than it was leaving Georgia back in August.  Then we were leaving to embark on this wonderful adventure, and...

We Pause to Remember

We had our last dinner with our wonderful and dear friends, Ludo, Barbara, and Ilaria and their families on Sunday night.  These are the first Italians we really ever met, and it’s because of them that we became interested in opening our store, Bella Italia.  They were all very...

We Make the Most of Precious Time

We crawled into bed Thursday night at midnight.  As we were getting settled in, it occurred to us that in exactly one week at that very moment we would be in the Atlanta airport.  Then we sighed heavily and went to sleep with less than one week left in...

We Start the Countdown

Eight more nights in Italy, six more nights in Anghiari.  We alternate between panic that we have to pack and move all the stuff we’ve accumulated back to Georgia, and trying to savor each moment.  We feel like if we’re not making the most of every minute, we’re wasting...

We Have Prosecco on the Piazza (in Florence)

The clock is ticking on us.  We’re counting down the days we have left and have decided to make the most of them.  We have no regrets about what we’ve done, but now that the end is in sight, we want to make every moment count.  Today was a...

We Make a List

As we prepare to end our Italian adventure and return to Atlanta, we can’t help but reflect on our time here and what it has meant to us.  I went back and read through all my blog posts from the beginning.  It made me think about all things we’ve...

We Go to Norcia

Making the most of the time we have left is a little like trying to decide what to salvage from a burning house.  You know you only have so much time and regret not organizing things a little better before the fire started. Today we went to Norcia, in...

We Say Goodbye to Friends

We have just about two weeks left in Anghiari.  We’ve started saying our goodbyes.  And as with most things Italian, they involve food. We had dinner with Rosella and Michelangelo a couple of nights ago.  Michelangelo is leaving in few days for the U.S. on business and he flies...

We Have One of the Best Lunches Ever

Food – do you get tired of hearing about it?  I guess if you do you would have stopped reading a long time ago.  Some people may think I’m obsessed with food.  They’re not far off.  I wouldn’t say it’s an obsession, but I would say that food is...