My name is Cathy Walls and this is the chronicle of our amazing travels to Italy.
We’ve had a love affair with Italy since our first trip in 1997. After more than two decades of traveling to Italy, we moved here in 2021. We left the American South for Tuscany to experience a different lifestyle and a different point of view. We hope to have our minds opened, our stomachs filled, and our souls satisfied.
Well, obviously Gale and I are envious! But you’ll see Tim and Julie soon and they can bring back some great stories I’m sure!
Andy – great to hear from you. You know you and Gale can take care of that envy very easily – you’re only a flight away. Your guest suite is waiting and ready when you are!
Hi Cathy , I am a friend if Annie Bosso, love your blog and I live here in castiglion Fiorentino . Would love to connect ! JulieAnn
Hi, JulieAnn. I emailed you about getting together. Thanks for reading!
Oh! When I look at your photos and read your stories my heart rate slows down! It’s not like being there but I’ll take it.
I’m so glad you like my little stories, Vic! So very good to hear from you.
Which wp theme are you using on your website? Is it from these guys by any chance: http://www.nuttythemes.com
It’s the Argent theme from word press.org.
love it
Thanks, Otis! Hope you keep reading.
Thanks, Susan!