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An English Lesson

My first visit to England was for girls only. And it was a blast....

When in Rome

A family birthday celebration in my adopted home country was one we will remember forever....

Bella Luna

A recent dog-sitting experience did a lot to mend my broken heart. ...

Return of the Romans

We spent a glorious week visiting with old friends and making new memories in Tuscany. ...

The Knife Sharpener Has Retired

Our village knife sharpener has retired and I fear what that means for the future of the small Italian village....

Winds of Change

My return to Italy is marked by obstacles....

The Story of Millie

The best love in the world is the love of a dog. Millie brought me so much love over the years and now it's time to say goodbye....


August in Italy is a study in how to live your best life....


The weather elements here are familiar, but subtlety different. One of the many reasons we love our Italian experience....

I Hear a Symphony

This week we experienced the power of music and the joy of welcoming new people to our village....