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We Take an Overnight Trip

One of the things we really wanted to do when we made this leap was to travel around Italy and other parts of Europe.  We thought the time was right to test the waters and take a little overnight trip.  We decided to go to Verona, mainly because we’ve...

We Set Up Our Kitchen

Today dawned stormy with heavy rain, thunder and lightning. Perfect for a lazy morning around the house. We fixed a little breakfast, pancetta cooked like bacon and fruit and yogurt. Pancetta is basically bacon, so we figured, what the heck, we’ll bring a little of the American South to...

We Eat Truffles

On our morning walk yesterday we saw a sign advertising the festival for the blessing of the truffles in a town called Chuisi della Verna. Yesterday was the last day of the weeklong festa and we decided to go. The sign said there was a dinner at 8:00 and...

We Celebrate

August 15 is Ferragosta, a national holiday in Italy. It’s a day of celebration and marks the ascension of Mary into heaven. It also it somewhat of a start of the August vacation period that most Italians take. Literally, it means the Festival of the Emperor Augustus and was...

We Explore

We took our first trip today. Our wonderful landlord, Giovanni, let us rent a car from him while we’re here. It’s a 20ish year old BMW convertible with 100,000 miles on it. It’s fine for driving around, but we discovered that it has no AC! We wanted to drive...

We do laundry

Such a mundane chore, doing laundry. But when you live somewhere you have to do it. We have a washing machine in the apartment and we had to have Giovanni’s son show us how to use it. There’s no dryer, however, so everything has to be hung out on...

We are amazed

We’ve traveled to Italy several times over the years – I would say about 15 times all total. The longest we’ve ever stayed for one trip was three weeks. That was a long time for us and a very long time for most working Americans. Being here for six...

We Eat

One of the many things we love about this country is the same thing that millions of people love – the food. What is it about Italian food that makes it so special? It’s fresh, local and seasonal – we know that. That’s such a big trend in America...

We Arrive

I’ve lived in Italy for almost 2 days. And I love it. We moved here for six months, partially because my husband is retired (I guess – he’s not working anymore and we now get a social security check) and partially because circumstances converged to make it the right...