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Category: Italian Village Life

Speaking in Tandem

The Italian language is beautiful - and still beyond my grasp. My attempts to learn Italian are frustrating, but I keep trying....

Living Out Loud

Italians live life to the fullest in the most simple ways. It's a beautiful balance that offers a wonderful perspective on life. ...

Aging in Place

Italians take the concept of graceful aging to a new level. ...

Italian Inspiration

Inspiration is everywhere in Italy - and it always takes a different form....

Italian Seasoning

My Italian adventure is one year old-here's hoping for many more....

Roll Over Beethoven

Music in various forms is helping us beat the heat in Italy this summer....

The Battle for Tuscany

The Palio della Vittoria in Anghiari celebrates the 1440 Battle of Anghiari when the boundaries of present day Tuscany were decided. What a celebration it is!...

Italian Magic

As our visit with Clay and the kids nears an end, we discover some Italian magic....

Myra and the Charm of Italy

We travel to the Val'Orcia area of Italy with Myra and are rewarded with great villages, fantastic wine, and incredible views....